Training for Mentors and Proteges/Mentees
Great mentoring relationships don't just happen. Setting the stage through powerful training programs, and giving the tools through our Mentoring Toolkit are key.
We offer a one-day mentor training program which can be delivered for mentors and mentees. Topic areas include:
Training program length: 6 hours
Included in the training is a 2-hour separate session for mentors and mentees, which can happen concurrently.
We offer also customized training for mentors and proteges in a number of specialized areas:
We offer a one-day mentor training program which can be delivered for mentors and mentees. Topic areas include:
- What mentoring is
- Designing the Mentoring Relationship
- The 4 Core Coaching skills for mentors
- The 3 Keys for proteges
- Mentoring Dos and Don'ts
- Mentoring Scenarios
- Resources for Mentoring
- Walk-through of the mentoring guide
Training program length: 6 hours
Included in the training is a 2-hour separate session for mentors and mentees, which can happen concurrently.
We offer also customized training for mentors and proteges in a number of specialized areas:

Emerging Leaders, Gen Y Leaders and Professionals
The younger generations LOVE mentor programs. They are all about keeping their skills sharp and increasing their professional network. A mentor program is a cost-effective way to show the young professionals that you care about their development and are eager to support their learning.
The younger generations LOVE mentor programs. They are all about keeping their skills sharp and increasing their professional network. A mentor program is a cost-effective way to show the young professionals that you care about their development and are eager to support their learning.

Global Professionals
To more quickly ramp up a global professional on assignment in North America, a mentor relationship can be the key to a successful development experience. The protégé has another ally in understanding North American business culture and the mentor gains an understanding of another culture while improving his or her listening and empathy skills.
To more quickly ramp up a global professional on assignment in North America, a mentor relationship can be the key to a successful development experience. The protégé has another ally in understanding North American business culture and the mentor gains an understanding of another culture while improving his or her listening and empathy skills.

Onboarding: New Staff Orientation
New employees want to hit the ground running. A mentor can help direct this burst of energy in the appropriate avenues, helping the new employee to understand the nuances of a company's culture, its key staff members, and expected deliverables. Proteges appreciate the candor of a mentor who can be a guide to everything from expense reports to networking to career paths. Mentors gain enhanced leadership skills, improved listening skills and a renewed sense of energy in their own work.
New employees want to hit the ground running. A mentor can help direct this burst of energy in the appropriate avenues, helping the new employee to understand the nuances of a company's culture, its key staff members, and expected deliverables. Proteges appreciate the candor of a mentor who can be a guide to everything from expense reports to networking to career paths. Mentors gain enhanced leadership skills, improved listening skills and a renewed sense of energy in their own work.

High Potentials
High Potentials thirst for any development opportunity. To keep them engaged and on a learning path, a mentor program can be the personalized development opportunity to rocket their career path trajectory.
High Potentials thirst for any development opportunity. To keep them engaged and on a learning path, a mentor program can be the personalized development opportunity to rocket their career path trajectory.

Succession Planning
Many companies have succession plans for the top tier of leadership. What is often lacking is a deep succession plan, looking at who is coming up two, three and four levels down. Offering a mentor program at the mid-levels provides the benefit of a cost-effective development experience for many participants, enabling a company to improve its bench strength. The company wins, the mentors win, and the protégés are numerous.
Many companies have succession plans for the top tier of leadership. What is often lacking is a deep succession plan, looking at who is coming up two, three and four levels down. Offering a mentor program at the mid-levels provides the benefit of a cost-effective development experience for many participants, enabling a company to improve its bench strength. The company wins, the mentors win, and the protégés are numerous.
To learn more about our mentor training programs, contact Susan or Jennifer at (416)996-8326.